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Labour Market Impact Assessment  (LMIA)  Process

Are you looking for work opportunities in Canada? Look no further than the LMIA Process! Our team at SkL Immigration consulting firm and SKL Smart hire will guide you through the process and help you attain the Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

We have extensive knowledge of the Canadian immigration and labor market laws, which makes it easier for us to increase your chances of success. Our team will help evaluate your skills and qualifications, ensuring that you meet the Canadian government's standards. We conduct thorough research and analysis for our clients to ensure that we deliver nothing but the best. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you with your LMIA process.




  1. Purpose: The LMIA is a way for the Canadian government to ensure that the entry of foreign workers into the country will not have a negative impact on the Canadian labor market.

  2. Employer Obligations: Employers are required to demonstrate efforts to hire Canadian citizens or permanent residents before offering the job to a foreign worker.

  3. LMIA Exemptions: Some job categories and certain types of workers may be exempt from the LMIA requirement, such as  workers covered under international trade agreements, workers in specific research areas, or workers in certain professions.

  4. LMIA Application Process: Employers must apply for an LMIA, providing detailed information about the job offer, the                       efforts made to hire Canadian workers, and the impact of hiring a foreign worker on the labor market.


     5. Impact on Work Permits: A positive LMIA is often a crucial requirement for a foreign worker to obtain a Canadian work                   permit.

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